May 29, 2016

May's Nail Challenge - Pond Manicure

Hello again, nail art loves!

This time I'm gonna post on time, yeee-haw! :)))
To make up for last week's late post that had little pictures and a gloomy text, I'm going to give you a detailed description of how I did my nails today. Are you ready? Start reading!

May 27, 2016

May's Nail Challenge - Nautical

Hello, nail art lovers!

I'm sorry for being so late to this collaboration, but, in my defense, you would not want a week(end) like the one I had. I'm honestly glad it's over, like most of this week is, as well.

Anyway, enough small talk and let's get down to nail art. The theme was"Nautical" and my nails were painted to fit in:

May 14, 2016

May's Nail Challenge - Cherrylicious

Hello, polish addicts!

What's your favorite fruit? What about your favorite dessert?
What do you think about vanilla or strawberry pudding with some chocolate syrup? How about if you add some cherries on top? That's what I have represented on my nails now! ^_^

May 7, 2016

May's Nail Challenge - Accent nail

Hello, everyone!

Today's theme is not a challenge at all, since all we had to do was one accent nail. As you know, I rarely wear a simple manicure and I did not make an exception this time, either. 

My manicure is inspired by an anime that I'm currently watching - Soul Eater - and, to be more exact, a character from the anime, called Medusa. She's a powerful witch that uses vectors and snakes to get what she wants. Not only is she cunning and gorgeous, but she has a great taste in nail art, too! :))

To sum up, my nails are a copy of her manicure ( I didn't figure it out if the arrows were pointing towards the tip or the base of the nail, so I went with what looked better) and the accent nail is her portrait. ^_^ 

May 1, 2016

May's Nails Challenge - Happy Easter

Hello and Happy Easter to those who celebrate it! ^_^

This week I don't have many words for you and I don't have many pictures, either, but I hope I can compensate next week.

©Suzanne Woolcott sw3740 Tema diseñado por: compartidisimo