Apr 10, 2014

Game of Thrones nails (by request)

Hello all!

I have never read the books, nor watched the TV series (do four episodes count?), but I did do some research before posting this.
Nu am citit cartile si nu am urmarit nici serialul ( patru episoade se pun?), dar m-am documentat putin inainte de a face postarea.

A while back, my friend, Mara, came to visit me in Cluj. We spent some time together, talked, laughed and fed some ducks and fish in the Central Park, you know, things that friends do. ^_^ She's a bookaholic like me, and at that time, she was reading a book from the series called "A song of Ice and Fire" (the series that inspired the "Game of Thrones" TV series). She knew about my passion for nail art and asked me if I could do a manicure inspired by the books or TV series. Of course, I said yes, but since I was participating in some challenges with the other bloggers I kept postponing this manicure.

A few days ago the fourth season of the TV series was launched and I thought that this would be the right moment for me to keep my promise. She had told me, back then, that her favorite house was  Martel, and she even showed me a picture of their sigil. I asked my boyfriend (he's a GoT fan, as well... obviously) what other house I should portrait and he told me that I should add the house called Baratheon to my manicure ( I didn't really get it if they were enemies or allies, and I was too lazy to search when I did my nails).

Martell (source)
Baratheon (source)

Acum ceva vreme, prietena mea, Mara, a venit sa ma viziteze la Cluj. Am petrecut putin timp impreuna, am povestit, am ras si am hranit cateva rate si cativa pestisori in Parcul Central. ^_^ Ea e o cititoare avida, ca mine, si, la acea vreme, citea un volum din seria "Cantec de Gheata si Foc" (seria care a stat la baza serialului "Urzeala Tronurilor"). Ea stia de pasiunea mea pentru nail art si m-a intrebat daca nu as putea sa creez o manichiura inspirata de carti sau de serial. Desigur, am acceptat, insa, deoarece am fost prinsa in colaborarile cu celelate bloggerite, am amanat mult manichiura.

Acum cateva zile a fost lansarea celui de-al patrulea sezon al serialului si m-am gandit ca ar fi momentul potrivit ca eu sa-mi tin promisiunea. Mara imi spusese, mai demult, ca avea o casa preferata: Martell, si mi-a aratat o poza cu sigilul lor. L-am intrebat pe prietenul meu (care e si el fan al cartilor/serialului... evident) ce alta casa sa adaug, iar el mi-a zis sa includ in manichiura mea si sigiliul casei Baratheon (n-am priceput atunci daca sunt inamici sau aliati, dar mi-a fost prea lene sa verific atunci cand mi-am facut manichiura).

On my left hand I made a gradient from orange to red, the colors of Martell House's sigil, starting from the middle finger's nail, which is completely orange, and adding red shades to the pinky's and thumb's nail. Afterwards, I added a sheer glitter to help the colors combine a bit and create the gradient. I painted Martell's symbol, a sun pierced by a spear, on my middle finger using red acrylic paint.

Pe unghiile de la mana stanga am creeat un gradient de la portocaliu spre rosu, culorile sigiliului Casei Martell, incepand de pe unghia degetului mijlociu, care e complet portocalie, si adaugand cate putin rosu pana spre unghiile de la degetul mic si mare. Mai apoi, am adaugat un glitter putin mai transparent pentru a ajuta culorile sa se combine si sa creeze efectul de gradient. Am pictat simbolul Casei Martell, un soare strapuns de o sulita, folosind vopsea acrilica rosie.

On my right hand I used the same technique, only this time I combined yellow and orange, Baratheon House's colors. I used black acrylic paint to create their symbol, a black stag. I somewhat regret choosing this house, since the stag was hard to paint with my left hand and my nail was too short so the back legs didn't turn out so great.

Pe unghiile de la mana dreapta am utilizat aceeasi tehnica, doar ca, de data asta, am combinat galben cu portocaliu, culorile Casei Baratheon. Am folosit vopsea acrilica neagra pentru a desena simbolul lor, un cerb negru. Regret oarecum alegrea facuta, deoarece mi-a fost greu sa pictez cerbul cu mana stanga, iar unghia mea e prea scurta asa ca picioarele lui din spate nu au iesit prea bine.

All in all, I'm proud of this manicure. What do you think?
In principiu sunt multumita cu aceasta manichiura. Voi ce ziceti?

2 shared dreams:

Taitzel said...

tare dragalase unghiutele tale!

Sophiesticat said...

Multumesc! :D

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