Sep 28, 2014

Alphabet nail art challenge - Letter V for... vortex!

The letter "V" was one of the few letters that did not make me ask every person I knew about words that start with it and for inspiration afterwards. I had talked to my boyfriend (just for fun) about the option of him doing my nails and he said he would probably manage to do spirals (he doubts his artistic talent), so I instantly thought about the word "Vortex". 

I used that idea to create these nails:

Sep 20, 2014

Alphabet nail art challenge - Letter U for... Undead (Hollywood Undead)

Late post, bla bla.
I had a very busy and wonderful month that ended with a trip to one of my favorite cities - London, about which I'll give you more details in a future post.

My first attempt or a manicure inspired by a word that starts with the letter "U" was a simple, gray manicure which should have suggested something urban - concrete & so on, but it was too plain to post so I decided to wait a bit more till inspiration hits me. This time, as many other times, my inspiration came from Jake who suggested the word "undead". Lately I've been listening to a lot of songs from one of my favorite bands, Hollywood Undead, so I have no idea why I couldn't come up with this myself. Yes, I'm pretty slow sometimes...

Anyway, you can find more details about the band here and what you should know about it (as in really important information!) is that there are 6 boys singing, and they wear masks inspired by their nicknames during their concerts.

Why should you know that? Well, because their masks were my inspiration for this manicure!

Sep 18, 2014

Alphabet nail art challenge - Letter T for... Transformice! :D

Ok, so these posts are usually made on Saturdays and involve a list of other bloggers that participated in the collaboration, but this time I forgot to put my name on the list and it has been almost a week since the girls posted so I'll just show you what I did because I love how it turned out ^_^

My inspiration was a cute game called Transformice which I enjoy playing with my boyfriend :D

Sep 8, 2014

Alphabet nail art challenge - Letter S for... spiders!

Two days late, not really fond of my manicure and with 0 inspiration to write a proper blog post, I present to you my manicure for the letter "S"... spiders!

©Suzanne Woolcott sw3740 Tema diseñado por: compartidisimo