Nov 29, 2015

Beauty Blogger Christmas Giveaway - (Romania Only) - Concurs Incheiat

Hello, hello! ^_^


Concurs incheiat!!!!
Va multumesc mult, tuturor, pentru inscriere!
Castigatoarea premiului oferit de mine este Paula Maria!
^_^Astept sa ma contactezi cat mai curand cu datele tale, iar ceilalti puteti vedea ce ati castigat intrand pe blogurile participante. :D

Aceasta postare este una speciala, deoarece, impreuna cu 7 bloggerite de beauty am hotarat sa va rasfatam pe voi, cititoarele noastre fidele, cu cateva cadouri dragute! :D

Poza de mai sus va arata ce puteti castiga (cate un premiu per persoana), dar pentru a afla mai multe detalii despre fiecare premiu, in parte, va trebui sa treceti pe la fiecare dintre noi:

2. Alina Andreea de la Venus Chic
3. Andreea de la Ditta’s nail design & art
5. Deyutza de la Deyutza’s Blog
6. Alina de la Just An Angel
7. Andrea de la Zona Mov
8. Sophie de la Sophie’s Nail Art Dreamland (eu, hihi!)

Premiul din partea mea este acesta:

- Sapun Herbosophy cu unt de shea si glicerina
- Tratament pentru unghii Eveline 8 in 1
- Lac de Unghii Farmasi 
- Lac de unghii Golden Rose Paris
- Snowglobe cu luminite 
- Steluta decorativa cu model de Craciun

Regulamentul este unul simplu si accesibil, dar am incercat sa-l facem si amuzant. Pentru a fi desemnate eligibile, va trebui sa completati formularul Rafflecopter de mai jos - toate cele trei rubrici. Formularul trebuie completat o singura data, pe oricare dintre blogurile participante, iar cerintele sunt urmatoarele:

1. Gasiti indiciul! Pe ficare dintre blogurile participante veti gasi in postarea anterioara celei despre Giveaway un cuvant-indiciu. Ca sa va fie mai usor, ficare bloggerita a scris cuvantul intr-o culoare reprezentativa Craciunului, iar toate cuvintele au legatura cu cea mai frumoasa traditie de iarna - masa de Craciun, in familie. Sunt 8 INDICII in total, asigurati-va ca le-ati "colectionat" pe toate! Good luck! :D

2. Dati LIKE paginilor de Facebook a tuturor participantelor si precizati numele cu care ati dat like intr-un comentariu, pe fiecare blog.

3. Dati SHARE PUBLIC pozei Giveaway-ului (o gasitit pe pagina de Facebook a fiecarei bloggerite, in parte) si lasati link-ul de share in formular.

Perioada in care se desfasoara Giveaway-ul este de 2 saptamani, din 29 noiembrie pana in 12 decembrie 2015 iar castigatoarele vor fi alese prin intermediul tragerii la sorti in maximum 48 de ore de la finalizarea concursului. Concursul este deschis national (se desfasoara doar pe teritoriul Romaniei!) si nu acceptam inscrieri multiple sau de pe conturi barbatesti.

Va rog mult sa aveti grija si sa respectati toate regulile, deoarece noi ne dorim ca aceste cadouri sa ajunga la voi, si sa va incante, inainte de Mos Craciun. ^_^

Acestea fiind zise, va urez multa bafta, iar daca aveti intrebari, adresati-le in sectiunea de comentarii, iar noi va vom raspunde cu drag! :D

Nov 28, 2015

Nail Art Marathon 2015 - 27.Jelly Sandwich

Hello, hello!

A new week, a new post and another manicure which I hope you will like! :D
This time, Kinga thought that we should try using the jelly sandwich technique on our nails and we all obeyed with no hesitation. :D

Nov 21, 2015

Nail Art Marathon 2015 - 27.Chevron Manicure

Hello, everyone!

This week I'm finally on time and I'm showing you my "glamorous" nails, made using the Chevron style, which was Kinga's idea. The manicure was done using a textured polish which I really like - Avong: Mineral Crush in the Pearl shade and one of my newest acquisitions - Vollare Color City 346.

Nov 20, 2015

Born Pretty Store - Stamping Plate, Stamper and Stamping Polish Review

Hello, everyone!

Today I made a review for three products from Born Pretty Store, my little "stamping kit" as I got to call it. :D

To be honest, it's all you need to get started with stamping, something that I'm rather new at, as well. The items are: the BP-03 stamping plate (which I've wanted since forever!), Kand - special nail polish for stamping and the stamper I got from Oana for my b'day.

This is the plate I've wanted the most from all the BPS stamping plates. It's so lovely! I like the roses, the cats, and, most of all, the swirly design. <3

As with the other BPS stamping plates that I own ( you can see the review here) it was super easy to use. The pattern transferred perfectly onto the stamper and then onto my nail. Cleaning it was very easy, as well, and I was impressed by how easy stamping can be with a high-quality plate.

The plate is listed under the name: Black Cat & Rose Theme Nail Art Stamp Template Image Plate and you can buy it for $2.24 on

The first time I tried stamping I used some think nail polishes, which were recommended to me by others. They worked fine so I thought that a good stamping polish must be a little thicker than regular polish. When I opened this bottle I noticed that the polish was very liquid and I thought to myself - is this any good?
I pushed it aside for a while but decided to try it in the end. I couldn't have been more wrong about it! Even though the consistency is thin, the polish is highly pigmented and great for stamping!

This nail polish is, indeed, the best I've tried for stamping, so far, but I also found something about it that I did not like as much - it stains the skin. My fingers were blue after I used it and acetone could not remove it at all. Only after I had washed my hands for 3-4 times the color disappeared.

Still, I will use it again, and you can find it on the website under the name: 10ml High Quality Nail Art Template Stamping Polish Varnish, for $3.35.

Ok, so, I have nothing to say about this stamper but "WOW"! It's really great! It has two gummy sides, a big white one - very soft and perfect for full nail patterns, and a tiny, rubbery one - ideal for tiny designs. 

This made stamping so much fun! It's easy to use, easy to clean and gets the pattern from the stamping plate and onto the nail perfectly. I'm honestly considering buying a few more, just in case, haha!

You can find it on the website, in the Nail Art section, under this name: 3Pcs/Set Hot-sell Double Sided Stamping Nail Art Stamper & Scraper and for only $2.94. I highly recommend you buy it!

If you're interested in buying any of these items, or, anything else related to nail art (and more), please visit the website at and fill your cart with joy and items! Shipping is free, worldwide! ^_^

Also, don't forget! If you use this code: QYL91, you get 10% off for your purchase!

Nov 16, 2015

Nail Art Marathon 2015 - 26. One Stroke

Two posts in one day??? OMG! Is it Christmas?
Meh, no, not yet... Just me running late...

As I previously said (in the other blog post) both manicures are Teo's suggestions. :D
I finally came around to doing a manicure using the one-stroke technique and my conclusion is: it's not even that hard to paint! (using the correct brush, of course). ^_^

Nov 15, 2015

Nail Art Marathon 2015 - 25. Inspired by a movie

Hello, hello!

This week you get a double portion of nail art from me since I missed last week's challenge. My reasons were good, I promise. 
First of all, I went home to see my pets and parents over the weekend, so I didn't have time to do my nails and second, it was pretty much my "Birthday week" so I didn't even have time to breathe. ^_^

But, enough with the excuses. This week I'm going to show you two manicures which were suggested by Teo: movie & one-stroke.
Here is my movie-inspired manicure:

Nov 6, 2015

Nail Art Marathon 2015 - 24.French


How was your week so far? 
Mine was super busy. I had a lot to do and so little time! But I couldn't skip the nail art marathon so here's this week's theme: French, Andreia's idea.

I stuck to the classic type of french, but I made it colorful and, since I wore it the week before Halloween, of course, it was Halloween themed.

©Suzanne Woolcott sw3740 Tema diseñado por: compartidisimo